• Yu Zaiqing

  • Vice chairman of the International Olympic Committee, vice chairman of the Chinese Olympic Committee

The founding of Samaranch Foundation thanks to joint efforts of Samaranch Family, International Olympic Committee, Chinese Olympic Committee, Beijing Munnicipality, Barcelona Municipality and supports from various organizations and friends. We will devote ourselves to further developing the profound friendship between Samaranch and China, spreading Olympic Ideal through Olympic cultural and educational events, enhancing communication between China and Spain, and contributing to the development of sports in China.

  • Juan Antonio Samaranch Jr.

  • Vice chairman of the International Olympic Committee

Our father valued the love and friendship he always received from China. Two years ago we started to think on the best possible way to keep his legacy alive.This is the main driving force behind the Samaranch Foundation. Its objectives are to secure the Samaranch-China legacy, promote Sport for All activities necessary for a healthy lifestyle in China and develop all possible relationships between his two beloved countries: Spain and China. We could not and did not want to do it alone. The success of this project depends on a full partnership between China and our family and in that sense I want to thank the International Olympic Committee, Chinese Olympic Committee, Spanish Government, Beijing Municipality, Barcelona Municipality, the Chinese and international founding partners to the Foundation and all the people that throughout a year of hard work have disinterestedly helped to get to this point!

  • Li Lingwei

  • Member of the International Olympic Committee and Vice President of the Chinese Olympic Committee

The Samaranch Foundation carries the profound friendship of Mr. Samaranch, the Honorary Lifetime Chairman of the International Olympic Committee, to China, and the deepest memory of Mr. Samaranch from the Chinese people. We will definitely live up to the trust of the Olympic family, the Chinese and Spanish governments, sports circles and people from all walks of life, carry forward the past, abide by the resolutions, and make due contributions to promoting the development of the Olympic movement, enhancing the friendship between China and Spain, and prospering Chinese sports culture .

Board Member

Yan Jianchang(Secretary General)
Chen Shaoshu
Ding Shizhong
Deng Yaping
Gu Xiaojie
Juan Antonio Samaranch Bigelli
Lu Haoxuan
Pan Gang
Wang Hua
Wang Jian
Wang Shuxian
Wang Tong
Xu Ming
Yang Yang
Yan Ming
Zhang Hong
Zhou Yifan
  • Email: info@jasfoundation.org
  • Phone: +86.010.6585.2888